# |
Film Title |
Date |
Rating |
Frogs |
One Word |
1 |
As Good As It Gets |
1 January 1998 |
90% |
Characters |
Buy! |
A rather unusual romantic comedy, starring Jack Nicholson
(as a disagreeable obsessive-compulsive), Helen Hunt (as a waitress in
a restaraunt he goes to every day), and Greg Kinnear. Great characters,
humourous character interaction, and well cast. This one's a must see.
A comedy with a little more to it than usual. |
2 |
Starship Troopers |
11 January 1998 |
70% |
War |
Buy! |
I'm not really sure how to review this one. I enjoyed
it, despite it having some drawbacks (such as the acting!!!). Being
a huge Heinlein fan, I was concious both of the differences and the
similarities to the book. Funnily enough, while the film had rather
a different atmosphere to the book, it actually stuck mostly to the
plot of the book. All that said, however, you should not base an
opinion on Heinlein on this film! You should read his books before
doing that. |
3 |
The Devil's Advocate |
16 January 1998 |
80% |
Gothic |
Buy! |
A rather strange film. Very gothic. An outstanding
performance from Al Pacino (this film really allowed him to let go
and have fun :) and, surprisingly, really good acting from Keanu
Reeves! Great fun. |
4 |
The Jackal |
17 January 1998 |
65% |
Untouchable |
Buy! |
The Jackal is a film about an unstoppable, undetectable,
etc. terrorist/assasin-for-hire, played by Bruce Willis, and a Northern
Irish ex-terrorist (played by Richard Gere, with a surprisingly not
totally abominable Northern Irish accent) helping to try to stop him.
Hardly a terribly original storyline, but an enjoyable
film nonetheless. |
5 |
Titanic |
25 January 1998 |
97% |
Outstanding! |
Buy! |
One of the best movies I've seen. Absolutely excellent.
You must see this movie. If you've seen it already, go and see
it again! Not only is it a brilliant movie, but it's also definite
Oscar material. If this movie doesn't win a large number of Academy
Awards, I'll eat my metaphorical hat! It also has a great soundtrack,
prominently featuring Celine
Dion. Check out the Titanic
web site. |
6 |
In & Out |
13 February 1998 |
59% |
Homophobia |
Buy! |
A funny film, if occasionally on slightly shakey ground
in the PC department. A film about a highschool teacher who's life is
turned upside-down when a former student, winning an Oscar for Best Actor,
tells the world that his former teacher is gay. Chaos ensues. |
7 |
Amistad |
7 March 1998 |
75% |
Slavery |
Buy! |
This is not a "fun" film. Amistad is a good film,
putting the spotlight on the slave trade much as Schindler's List
put the spotlight on the atrocities of the Nazi regime. Worth
seeing. |
8 |
Good Will Hunting |
15 March 1998 |
85% |
Genius |
Buy! |
Good Will Hunting is a great film -- a great plot,
very good casting & acting, and great characters. It deserves all
the Oscar nominations it's received. You should see this film. |
9 |
The Man in the Iron Mask |
28 March 1998 |
80% |
Swashbuckling |
Buy! |
Good escapist fun. Swashbuckling adventure, the Three
Musketeers' style, with a good choice of cast and, as expected, great
acting from people like Gabriel Byrne, Jeremy Irons, John Malkovich,
etc. Gérard Depardieu is perfect as Porthos, and so on. A
great line-up of stars, and an entertaining story. |
10 |
Sphere |
4 April 1998 |
75% |
Manifestation |
Buy! |
This film was released surprisingly quietly, being
put in screen 7 in the 9-screen cinema I frequent immediately on
its release. What makes it even more surprising is that it stars
three excellent and very popular actors: Dustin Hoffman, Samuel
L. Jackson, and Sharon Stone. It deserved a bigger release. It's
really a good film, worth seeing. It would have seemed rather
a lot more original if it had been released before "Event
Horizon", but it is not a clone of the film, despite its
parallels! (For one thing, it's not so unpleasant by half!).
11 |
Jackie Brown |
10 April 1998 |
70% |
Double-crossing |
Buy! |
While an enjoyable film, I expected more from Tarantino. It's
worth seeing, and has a great cast, but the plot's not really up to his
usual standard (perhaps that's Elmore Leonard's fault? I don't know, not
having read the book). |
12 |
The Rainmaker |
25 April 1998 |
90% |
Excellent |
Buy! |
The best movie of a John Grisham novel by far. The
Rainmaker is the best novel he's ever written, and the film is as accurate
a representation of the novel as is possible in under two hours. An accurate
retelling of a novel in a film does not necessarily make a good movie,
however in this case it most certainly did so! The cast is perfect, with
great performances from such stars as Matt Damon, Claire Danes, Danny DeVito
and Jon Voight as well as lesser-knowns such as Johnny Whitworth.
It even has Dean Stockwell and Roy Scheider in relatively minor
rôles! |
13 |
Scream 2 |
2 May 1998 |
80% |
Satirical |
Buy! |
Another excellent satirical horror movie from Wes
Craven. The parody of the parody of the laughable? I, personally,
find most horror to be pathetic and laughable. Scream was both a
better horror movie than I've ever seen all or part of, and Scream 2
not only parodies the genre, but also Scream! Good harmless (if
scary in places!) fun. Worth seeing. |
14 |
Sliding Doors |
9 May 1998 |
85% |
Charming |
Buy! |
A thoroughly enjoyable romantic comedy starring Gwyneth
Paltrow and John Hannah and producing very good performances from both
of them, Sliding Doors starts with a slightly unusual and very silly
premise, but redeems itself by being a very funny and charming film. |
15 |
Deep Impact |
16 May 1998 |
95% |
Mindblowing |
Buy! |
An absolutely top notch disaster movie. The effects in
Deep Impact
at least equal, and I think most likely beat, those in any
other film I can recall ever seeing. Add to that a great cast of big-time
stars (with such greats as Morgan Freeman and Robert Duvall, you can't go
wrong) and many others including a fair handful of fairly well knowns.
The plot was pretty good as disaster movies go (you don't go
to a disaster movie for its plot, let's face it). It was only
a little overly sentimental in a couple of places. An excellent
movie. Great fun, and a rollercoaster ride all the way. Also, any other
tidal wave you've ever seen is a baby as compared to the one in this
film. A must see on any scale! |
16 |
The Big Lebowski |
29 May 1998 |
65% |
Strange |
Buy! |
The Big Lebowski is one very strange film. There are some very funny
moments and the cast was well chosen. John Goodman played the
confrontational, unpredictable character of one of Jeff Bridges'
bowling buddies, a 'nam veteran, excellently. My reaction to his
portrayal is a mixture of being highly impressed, and wanting to
lock him away. The film manages to, at the same time, both be sketchily
plotless and have a complex, convoluted plot. Confused yet? Well, you
will be. It's an amusing movie -- a well spent fiver -- however I don't
think I'd go so far as to give it five stars like Empire Magazine did.
17 |
The Replacement Killers |
5 June 1998 |
87% |
Woo |
Buy! |
...and I mean "Woo" as in John Woo! Replacement Killers,
while not directed by John Woo (he was executive producer), is about
as John-Woo-ish as you can get. It has a plausible enough plot but is
elevated from good to excellent by the acting from the stars (Mira
Sorvino and Yun-Fat Chow) and, to an even greater extent, the brilliant
cinematography and dramatic use of sound. This is one movie you should
not miss. |
18 |
The Opposite of Sex |
19 July 1998 |
85% |
Dysfunctional |
Buy! |
The Opposite of Sex has a well thought out plot and a
great storyline. Christina Ricci is very good as the cynical teenaged
protagonist, and the rest of the cast were similarly well picked.
There are many very funny moments. This is definitely a film
worth seeing if you get the chance. |
19 |
Armageddon |
30 July 1998 |
30% |
Abysmal |
Buy! |
The effects were great, but that's pretty much where the praise ends.
It was an utterly ridiculously implausible piece of toss. It was
horrifically cringeworthy in many places.
It was one of the most scientifically inacurate films I've seen in
quite a while. Example: Accelerating at 8 G's, and then up to 11 G's...
and all that happens is that they go "Oh no, I can't take this.
Something must be wrong.", yada yada yada. To the best of my knowledge,
nobody can take more than about 7 G's without blacking out, and
none of them blacked out. One comment from someone who was with
me was "Thank god we didn't pay full price" (we saw it in the afternoon,
so it was just over half normal price). One of the most notably
cringeworthy moments was a "love scene" involving "animal crackers".
I kid you not. An ocasionally amusing piece of toss, but not a good
film by any measure. One not to bother seeing.
20 |
Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later |
4 September 1998 |
50% |
Stereotypical |
Buy! |
I'm not a horror fan, so perhaps my view of the film is not
worth much, but I thought it was ok, fun enough, but pretty stereotypical
and unoriginal. I suppose as horror movies go it was good. |
21 |
Rounders |
19 September 1998 |
75% |
Gambling |
Buy! |
A harsh view of life in the underground world of serious
gambling. Matt Damon and Edward Norton lead a well chosen cast (if
including some rather dodgy Russian accents...). A worthwhile film. |
22 |
Lethal Weapon 4 |
28 September 1998 |
95% |
Lethal! |
Buy! |
Can they really keep getting better all the time?
Is this the first series to have 4 films all of which are excellent?
Usually by the third film in a series, you cringe at the pathetic
attempt to commercialise a concept... Excellent!!! Keep it up! |
23 |
There's Something About Mary |
29 September 1998 |
70% |
Disgusting |
Buy! |
... but very very funny. This one will make
you split your sides laughing quite often, even if it does go a little
over the top on the tastelessness now and again. |
24 |
The X-Files |
30 September 1998 |
75% |
Conspiracy |
Buy! |
I enjoyed this movie very much. It was great fun, and
there were some great plot twists. People seem to be divided on whether
it's a good film if you're not an X-Phile (X-Files fan) though. I think
a non-fan could enjoy the film, but a fan will get a lot more out of
this! |
25 |
Mercury Rising |
8 October 1998 |
75% |
Cryptography |
Buy! |
A film about a kid that breaks codes. Slightly far-fetched
to say the least, but a fun, fast-moving plot. Oh yeah, and of course
good old action star Bruce Willis' in it. One to see! |
26 |
The Truman Show |
15 October 1998 |
85% |
Soap |
Buy! |
An excellent film, Jim Carey tries out a rather different
rôle, and it works very well. This one's quite likely to hook a
few little statues come Oscar season. |
27 |
Divorcing Jack |
16 October 1998 |
90% |
Ridiculous |
Buy! |
...and utterly brilliant!!! One of the funniest films
I've seen in a long time. Utterly over the top and unrealistic in its
portrayal of Northern Ireland, but keel-over-laughingly hillarious. |
28 |
Saving Private Ryan |
21 October 1998 |
80% |
Heroism |
Buy! |
One of the best war films I've ever seen. This one's bound
to end up grabbing a few Oscars (it's Tom Hanks' annual
let's-win-best-picture film for this year, presumably). It is very
graphic indeed in its depiction of the violence of war. I am not sure if
it was gratuitously so. I think probably just ultra-realistic. This is
one to see. |
29 |
Small Soldiers |
24 October 1998 |
80% |
Smooth |
Buy! |
Absolutely excellent integration of models (animatronics,
etc.) and conputer graphics, and a fun script full of hillarious moments
and some very funny one-liners, especially from Major Chip Hazard. |
30 |
A Perfect Murder |
29 October 1998 |
75% |
Scheming |
Buy! |
Michael Douglas schemes and plots to have his wife,
Gwyneth Paltrow, killed. Naturally, things don't all go according
to plan. A very good thriller. |
31 |
Primary Colors |
1 November 1998 |
80% |
Presidential |
Buy! |
John Travolta plays the eventual president in this film
in a way that it funnily familiar. He even has the graying hair and
Clinton voice, and tolerant, ambitious wife. There are many more subtle
aspects to this film, and it succeeds in being both funny and poignant.
An excellent plot, believable characters, and an enjoyable couple of
hours at the cinema. Well worth seeing. |
32 |
The Exorcist |
3 November 1973 |
60% |
Devillish |
Buy! |
I had never seen The Exorcist, so was persuaded by a
friend to go and see it. It was quite funny, but definitely not in
the slightest bit scary. Amusing, but not exactly a "good" film. |
33 |
Antz |
6 November 1998 |
90% |
Impressive |
Buy! |
This film is not only very impressive from a computer
graphics/animation point of view. It also has a great line-up of cast
voices, a lot of very funny moments, and a better than usual plot.
Worth seeing, especially if you're a computer scientist! |
34 |
Snake Eyes |
10 November 1998 |
65% |
Deception |
Buy! |
Enjoyable thriller starring Nicholas Cage and Gary Sinise
with a fairly interesting plot, but nothing spectacular.
35 |
Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels |
11 November 1998 |
90% |
Confusion |
Buy! |
Absolutely excellent film. Utterly hillarious. A very
involved plot and lots of characters. One of the funniest films in
ages. Between this and Divocing Jack, the UK has turned out more than
its share of excellently funny films this year! |
36 |
Blade |
13 November 1998 |
75% |
Vampiric |
Buy! |
Wonderful mindless fun! Great martial arts, sword fighting,
and special effects. A well chosen cast. Not very mentally challenging.
Just what you want for a relaxing, amusing couple of hours at the movies.
37 |
Ronin |
20 November 1998 |
75% |
Speed |
Buy! |
Great mindless fun with some good actors. The car chases
will keep you on the edge of your seat. |
38 |
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas |
25 November 1998 |
30% |
Crap |
Buy! |
A film about ... um, well, nothing except a couple of
guys on so many drugs they could easily be mistaken for pharmaceuticals
companies. Basically, they spend the entire film in a drugged haze,
and there's nothing more to it than that. Utterly pathetic. A storyline
might have helped. Oh well. |
39 |
Star Trek: Insurrection |
13 December 1998 |
85% |
Galactic |
Buy! |
What can I say? I'm a big Star Trek fan, and I think it
was great! Insurrection imporved upon First Contact, and blew Generations
out of the water. Very funny, and it had a plot! Perhaps a bit like a
long episode rather than a film though. |
40 |
The Mask of Zorro |
19 December 1998 |
90% |
Swashbuckling |
Buy! |
Interesting plot, excellent cast, great score. See it! |
41 |
Rush Hour |
22 December 1998 |
70% |
Crazy |
Buy! |
Another "mis-matched cops forced to be partners and
eventually become buddies" movie, but very funny. Fast moving, and
full of laughs. |
42 |
The Negotiator |
23 December 1998 |
85% |
Framed |
Buy! |
Excellent thriller with Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin
Spacey, two great actors, in the starring rôles as two
negotiators matching wits and pushing each other to the limit in a
negotiation with a difference. Rivetting. |
43 |
Enemy of the State |
26 December 1998 |
80% |
Conspiratorial |
Buy! |
A thoroughly enjoyable thriller and very amusing, despite
having taken some rather over-the-top liberties with reality as regards
current technology. Good cast, and enough plot without getting too
complicated for a nice, relaxing, not overly mentally stressful
experience. Worth seeing! |
44 |
Out of Sight |
30 December 1998 |
80% |
Non-linear |
Buy! |
Out of Sight is another Elmore Leonard book-turned-movie
but this one's much better than the Tarantino-directed Jackie Brown. Like
other Leonard films-of-books, and like Tarantino's films, it tends to hop
around in the timeline of the story, sometimes confusingly but so that
the story is revealed as you watch in a more interesting way, and it all
makes sense in the end. The stars, George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez,
carry off their parts excellently and very believably. It's a must see in
my opinion! |