Films '96+

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These pages contain lists of the films which I have seen, in the cinema, in each year since 1996. Each has been given a rating based on my opinions of it. They are not meant to be comprehensive listings of films in any way; merely lists of what I have been to see myself.

Ratings are very simply in percentage form, which means something out of one hundred. I have no hard and fast method for rating the films. It's just a matter of how much I like them, for whatever reasons I may have.

Frogs are another representation of the rating. The frog ratings scheme is explained separately.

One Word is an attempt to sum up the film as well as I am capable in a single word. A good way, possibly, to get an idea what I think of the film at a glance. It is the most difficult bit of the review, and something I often curse having included! It may or may not be useful, depending on the film.

Notes is a section which is just that... notes. Placed beneath the Date, Rating, and One Word sections, it is to contain any comments I might wish to add to my rating of a film. Maybe to expand on why I rated the film the way I did, maybe to tell you if it's worth going to see or if you shouldn't go near it with a 10' pole. It's the free form section of the listing.

A link is provided, from each movie's title, to the entry for that movie in the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). For almost every movie, scanned images of the ticket stubs from my visits to the cinema to see that movie are provided. The ticket stubs may be found by clicking the date beside the movie's title (the first occasion on which I went to the cinema to see the movie). For example, see the ticket stubs from The Matrix. Most movies only have one or possibly two ticket stubs, from one or two visits. The ticket stubs are probably of more interest to me than to you!

You can now buy movies featured in Films '96+ by clicking the link ("Buy!") in the final column of the appropriate film's review! This makes finding and buying movies which you like the sound of very simple. I hope you find this feature useful!

Onward to the ratings...
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Films '96+ © Copyright Stephen Jacob, 1996-2024.